*********************************************** Li'L CJ's Java Explorer v1.0 *********************************************** *********************************************** Li'l CJ's Java Explorer created by LiL CJ aka Erica Andrews April 30,2000. This application is FREEWARE; however, it is NOT open-source. ** UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL SOURCE CODE BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR THIS APPLICATION** The author of this application hereby grants the public unlimited *personal* use of this software provided it is *not* used for any commercial purposes or ventures whatsoever, is *not* used for any sort of profit, either directly or indirectly, and *no* portion of this software is modified in any way. No disassembly, decompilation, or other direct dealings with any source code from this software are permitted. By using this software, you agree to the terms above and acknowledge that this software is distributed on an as-is basis, without any warrantee of any kind, and agree that the author of this software will not, under any circumstances, be held responsible for any damages, losses, or inconveniences derived from the use of this software. Any use of this software which is not consistent with the aforementioned terms constitutes unauthorized, fraudulent misuse of the software, punishable in a court of law. Copyright 2000 By Erica Andrews. All Rights Reserved. cylikon@hotmail.com ./IcedPinky/ ./ButchWhipAppeal/ ********************************************* ABOUT Java Explorer: This software is essentially a bundle of very useful applications and features, including: 1. RMI Administrator 2. JNDIce, the EJB Assistant 3. JDBC Interactive 4. An RMI Port Creation Utility 5. An innovative file and archive (.jar & .zip) browser 6. Archive extraction utilities (.jar & .zip) 7. Component Viewer, a GUI viewer (not a JavaBean tool!) 8. A Port Scanner 9. Easy viewing of your Java VM properties 10. Easy viewing of your localhost properties 11. Email software (sending capabilities only) 12. A Java class inspector and browser 13. Convenient multimedia support (sound & video) 14. A simple text viewer/text editor 15. An image viewer 16. Easy viewing of files within archives WITHOUT extracting them 17. Rooted, FTP-style directory browsing 18. Very memory-friendly (especially when no media is playing) Java Explorer is easy to use and very customizable, including the ability to: 1. Adjust the application's foreground, background, and secondary colors 2. Change the application's fonts to any available font on your system. ********************************************* !!! SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS !!!! PLEASE READ!! To run CJs Java Explorer, you will NEED: 1. JDK 1.2 or above (Sun's JDK 1.3 is suggested). 2. The JavaMail API classes version 1.1.3 or above- javax.mail. (Earlier versions will not due and cannot sent HTML mail.) 3. The Java Activation classes (JAF) - javax.activation. (These are needed by JavaMail. Any very recent version should due.) 4. The Java Media Framework API classes (JMF) - javax.media. (Any very recent version should due.) 5. The Java Servlet Development Kit classes - javax.servlet. (Any very recent version should due.) 6. The JNDI Java Naming Directory Interface classes - javax.naming. (Any very recent version should due.) ALSO RECOMMENDED: At least 32MB of memory, a sound card, and a screen resolution of 800 X 600 or greater My software REQUIRES all of these classes in order to run, and will not run without them. If you do not have all of these classes, you can download them for FREE at http://java.sun.com/products/ Any real server-side/distributed computing developer will probably already have all of these classes libraries, except for maybe the Java Media Framework classes. If you are not into server-side and distributed computing development, this software is NOT for you, since it's *geared* towards this type of Java development. ********************************************* JAVABEANS INCLUDED IN THIS DISTRIBUTION: This distribution contains two JavaBeans: RMI Administrator: Allows customization of colors, default ports, and default hosts. (location: JExplorer.jar) Mailer Bean: This bean greatly simplifies the use of Sun's JavaMail API, and helps you avoid having to make many of the messy InternetAddress[] arrays. The bean allows for customization of error messages, success messages and MANY other features (too many to list here). The bean supports 4 mime types when used with JavaMail version 1.1.3 or higher, including text/plain and text/html. (location: MailerBean.jar) Please view the included Java Docs as well as the MailerBeanExample.txt for more information on this bean. (NOTE: The bean is a non-GUI bean). ********************************************* FILES INCLUDED IN THIS DISTRIBUTION: ReadMe.txt - This text file. JExplorer.jar - The application. rmiadmin.properties - A *necessary* file for running RMI Administrator (should be placed in the *same* directory as JExplorer.jar) MailerBeanExample.txt - Example use of the Mailer Bean Mailer Bean JavaDocs (.html format) ********************************************* RUNNING THIS APPLICATION: If you are using JDK 1.2 or JDK 1.3, you should be able to run the application by simply executing (double-clicking on Windows) the JExplorer.jar file. Alternately, you can also run the application by issuing one of the following command lines: javaw.exe -classpath C:\cylikon\JExplorer.jar cylikon.explorer.EXPLORER or java.exe -classpath C:\cylikon\JExplorer.jar cylikon.explorer.EXPLORER Remember to adjust the C:\cylikon to reflect the directory where you have stored the JExplorer.jar file. Use the first command line example if you want to run the application without a console window and make the java app run more like a regular application (suggested). Here's an example of how I run the application (classpath and all): javaw.exe -classpath C:\cylikon\explorer\JExplorer.jar;C:\JDK13\lib\jmf.jar;C:\JDK13\lib\activation.jar;C:\JDK13\lib\javamail.jar;C:\JDK13\lib\jndi.jar;C:\JDK13\lib\servlet.jar cylikon.explorer.EXPLORER ********************************************** USING THIS APPLICATION : VERY BASIC OVERVIEW UTILITIES: Most of the utilties are stored on the top toolbar on the "Utilities" tab. Here, you will find the RMI Administrator, JNDIce, the Port Scanner, Image Viewer, Text Editor, JDBC Interactive, Java VM Properties, Localhost Properties, and Email software. APPEARANCE For customization of the application's interface, click the "Appearance" tab at the top of the screen. This area will allow you to adjust the application's colors and font. Please note, that your color preferences will be saved upon exit; however, you chosen font will NOT. This is NOT a bug, but the way I created the application to allow the application to start faster by avoiding having to load the fonts from a the slow Awt GraphicsEnvironment. The application will *always* start with a default, plain font. BROWSING DIRECTORIES AND ARCHIVES: The application will automatically to open your computer's root directory upon start up. However, you can choose to "root" the directory view to a new directory by clicking the "Load New Directory, Jar, or Zip" button. Please note, that if you are opening a directory, you only should use a *single* click, not a double-click. You can also open .jar or .zip archives. VIEWING FILES: After opening a directory, zip, or jar, you can interact with the list files simply by clicking on them on the File side. If the selected file has a built-in viewer associated with it, a popup menu will appear, allowing you to use the listed viewer or utility. VIEWING CLASSES: You can interact with or gain additional information about Java classes listed in the File side of the user interface. Clicking a .class file will result in very IN-DEPTH information being shown in the "Class Information" area to you far right (This information can be shown in a new resizable window, by clicking the "View In New Window" button). The popup menu will also offer you the chance to attempt to view the class as a GUI component in the built-in Component Viewer. If the component can be viewed, the Component Viewer will open, allowing you to interact with the GUI. OTHER INFORMATION: The rest is self-explanatory! RMI ADMINISTRATOR: For more information on RMI Administrator, please see the "About" button inside the RMI Administrator application. JNDIce, THE EJB ASSISTANT: For more information on JNDIce, please see the "About" button inside the JNDIce application. ********************************************** KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS: INTERFACE APPEARANCE: Please note, that your color preferences will be saved upon exit; however, you chosen font will NOT. This is NOT a bug, but the way I created the application to allow the application to start faster by avoiding having to load the fonts from a the slow Awt GraphicsEnvironment. The application will *always* start with a default, plain font. COMPONENT VIEWER: The component viewer can currently only view small GUI components, and does not scroll the way it should when components are resized. This is simply a problem I am working on troubleshooting with the JScrollPane and JViewport. MOVIE PLAYER: The Movie Player will not play the newer MPEG videos, the newer QuickTime movies, or Shockwave media files above Flash version 2. This is NOT a bug but rather a lack of support for these media types on the part of the Java Media Framework classes. Hopefully, Sun will correct these problems and move into the new technologically advanced video age with the rest of us. Currently, the media player will NOT handle MPEG-2 videos (um, that's probably MOST .mpg files these days), or the new QuickTime .mov's, or the newer Flash files. I haven't found any problems with AVI playback other than JMF's inability to play the more obsure AVI encoding types. SOUND PLAYER: The sound player seems to have very few problems; however, it does seem to choke randomly when playing MP3 files larger than 500KB -1MB (depending on your computer's memory). For this reason, I suggest avoiding playing MP3 files bigger than 500KB, as this may not only cause a crash, but also uses an *extremely large* chunk of memory. Your experiences may be different depending on your system's memory size. So, I'm going to have to say that MP3 playback is on "use at your own risk" terms (well, then again, so is the rest of this software). Other than that, .wav's, midis, and .au files are a snap. RMI ADMINISTRATOR: For more information on RMI Administrator limitations please see the "About" button inside the RMI Administrator application. JNDIce, THE EJB ASSISTANT: For more information on JNDIce limitations, please see the "About" button inside the JNDIce application. ********************************************* NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT is offered for this software and no future releases are planned for the near future. DO NOT EMAIL FOR HELP! However, bug reports are welcome. ********************************************* Copyright 2000 By Erica Andrews. All Rights Reserved. cylikon@hotmail.com ./IcedPinky/ ./ButchWhipAppeal/