package accounts; import javax.ejb.*; import java.rmi.*; import javax.naming.*; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Vector; public class CreateNew { private String username=""; private String password=""; private String stat_mess=""; private String ser_no=""; private int stat_int; private String problems=""; //super class public CreateNew(){ username=null; password=null; stat_mess=null; ser_no=null; } //standard set-get methods for a bean public void setUser(String u) { username=u; this.username=username; } public void setPass(String p) { password=p; this.password=password; } public String getUser() { return username; } public String getPass() { return password; } public String getStatMess() { return stat_mess; } public void setStatMess(String message) { stat_mess=message; this.stat_mess=stat_mess; } public String getSerNo() { return ser_no; } public void setSerNo(String sn) { ser_no=sn; this.ser_no=ser_no; } public int getStatInt() { return stat_int; } public void setStatInt(int si) { stat_int=si; this.stat_int=stat_int; } public void SignUp(String us,String pa,String brow,String je,String pl) { String browser=brow; String java_en=je; String plugins=pl; setUser(us); setPass(pa); try{ Properties p=new Properties(); // put information about the vendor-specific EJB client context factory p.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory"); Context ctx = new InitialContext(p); // get a reference to the home interface cylikon.PreferencesEJB.CreateAccountHome home = (cylikon.PreferencesEJB.CreateAccountHome) ctx.lookup("NewAccounts"); // run the ejbCreate method to get a reference to the remote interface and its methods... cylikon.PreferencesEJB.CreateAccount new_acc = home.create(); // invoke the sign-up method (void) so we can get values from the other methods in // the remote interface Vector v = new_acc.DoSignup(getUser(),getPass(),browser,java_en,plugins); if (v.size() ==3) { setStatInt(Integer.valueOf(v.elementAt(0).toString().trim()).intValue()); setStatMess(v.elementAt(1).toString()); setSerNo(v.elementAt(2).toString().trim()); } else { setStatInt(0); setStatMess("System Error: Sign-up failed."); } } catch (Throwable t) { problems="ERROR creating new account.
There appears to be a problem with our site.
Please email the site owner with a copy of this message and alert them to the problem.
"+t+t.getMessage(); } } //end getStat() method public String ListProblems() { return problems; } } //end of class