This directory contains the source code for 3 Gyach-E encryption plugins: - Three encryption plugins added to provide support for encrypted instant messaging conversations, for a total of 11 supported encryption methods, including 2 variations of Blowfish encryption: - gyach-gpgme.c: GPG / GPGMe encryption plugin ( provides support for sending unsigned, encrypted/ascii-armored messages, Requirements: GPGMe 0.3.16 or better; tested on gpgme 0.3.16, GPG 1.0.7) - gyach-mcrypt.c: MCrypt encryption plugin (provides support for a variety of encryption/encoding methods: XTea, Blowfish, Twofish, Tripledes, Gost, Cast-128, Cast-256, RC6, and Loki97 ; Requirements: MCrypt/libMCrypt 2.5.2-22 or better, tested on MCrypt 2.5.2-22 ) - gyach-blowfish.c: Basic Blowfish encryption plugin (GyachE Blowfish-Internal, uses a public domain implementation of Blowfish) TO INSTALL: Edit the 'PLUGDIR' value in the Makefile in this directory to suit your tastes, then type 'make', then 'make install'. A FEW WORDS ABOUT PLUGINS: - Plugins are stored in the '/plugins/' sub-directory of your Gyach Enhanced installation directory, normally /usr/local/share/gyach/plugins/. Please note that encryption support is only available when you have your PMs configured to be opened in separate windows (instead of having PMs show up on the chat screen); Encryption session negotiation is handled through a series of YMSG 'Notify' packets; Right now, the safest most-reliable encryption method is the GPG/GPGMe encryption plugin, the other methods may occassionally produce truncated/incomplete messages or disconnect you completely from the Yahoo server (Yahoo doesn't always like non-ascii text going through its system); It is very likely that the encryption plugins will only work with other Gyach-E users, unless other applications choose to support the 'Notify' packets used by Gyach Enhanced. For the GPG/GPGMe plugin, passphrases are auto-generated, and using private/public keys is not supported: For this reason, the GPG plugin is probably not very compatible with the GPG plugin used by Ayttm. Also, be aware that use of these encryption plugins may not be legal in all jurisdictions, especially terrorist countries: I take no responsiblity if you use these encryption plugins in violation of your local, state, or federal laws. The encryption works for instant messages ONLY: You cannot encrypt conferences and chat rooms! THE GPG / GPGMe Plugin: The GPG plugin sends unsigned, ascii-armored (encrypted) messages. The encryption algorithm used to encrypt the message depends on your system's configuration. For instance, if you want to send GPG messages using the Blowfish encryption method, you should put the following values in your ~/.gnupg/options file: no-version no-comment digest-algo SHA1 cipher-algo BLOWFISH s2k-digest-algo SHA1 s2k-cipher-algo BLOWFISH The 'no-version' and 'no-comment' flags prevents GPG from putting a bunch of unnecessary header/version information in the messages (creating shorter messages to be sent over the network.) Other possible values for the 'cipher-algo' and 's2k-cipher-algo' fields are: 3DES, CAST5, BLOWFISH, AES, AES192, AES256, TWOFISH. Other possible values for the 'digest-algo' and 's2k-digest-algo' fields are: MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160