<%@ page language="java" import="yahoo.*" session="false" %> <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <%@ page import="java.net.InetAddress" %> <%@ include file="header.jsp" %> <%@ include file="sidebar.jsp" %> <% String control1 = request.getParameter("limit1"); String control2 = request.getParameter("limit2"); if (control1 == null || control2 == null) { %> <% } %>
<% /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- First dealing with queries in which the person asked to see related sites... in other words, the parameter "showsite" is not null ---- */ String simm = request.getParameter("showsite"); if (simm != null) { /* ---- Counting the number of similar sites in the database ---- */ ResultSet count = show.getGenericShow(); int results = 0; while (count.next() ) { results++; } InetAddress local1 = java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost(); String la1= local1.getHostAddress(); /* ---- Display the keyword that the user submitted in the query --- */ String keyword = request.getParameter("searchword"); /* --- Creating a header with the match count and keyword--- */ out.print("
"+(results)+" similar "); /* -- some quick grammar corrections --- */ if (results == 1) { out.print("site ");} else { out.print("sites "); } out.print("for keyword: "+(keyword)+"

"); /* ----ResultSets are handled in two different methods...first, creating special URLs for sites on my local server with */ if (simm.equals("51") || simm.equals("52") || simm.equals("50")) { ResultSet simsite = show.getGenericShow(); while (simsite.next()) { String url2=simsite.getString(3).trim(); String title2=simsite.getString(4).trim(); out.print(""+(title2)+"
"); } } else { ResultSet simsite = show.getGenericShow(); while (simsite.next()) { String url2=simsite.getString(3).trim(); String title2=simsite.getString(4).trim(); out.print(""+(title2)+"
"); } } } else { // ending showsite vs. normal search if-statement /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* -- Now dealing with regular keyword searches ---- */ /* ---- Counting the TOTAL number of sites found in the database ---- */ ResultSet count = search.getGenericSearch(); int numrows = 0; while (count.next() ) { numrows++; } /* ---- Count the TOTAL number being shown ----- */ ResultSet count2 = search.getGenericSearchLimited(); int numrows2 = 0; while (count2.next() ) { numrows2++; } /* ---- Display the keyword that the user submitted in the query --- */ String searchword = request.getParameter("searchword"); /* --- Creating a header with the match count and keyword--- */ InetAddress local2 = java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost(); String la2= local2.getHostAddress(); out.print("
Your search for "+(searchword)+" found "+(numrows)+""); /* -- some quick grammar corrections --- */ if (numrows == 1) { out.print(" match. ");} else if (numrows == 0) { out.print(" : NO Matches."); } else { out.print(" matches. "); } /* --- Explaining how many matches are being shown on this page --- */ out.print("
Showing "+(numrows2)+" ."); out.print("

"); /* ----Now handling regular keyword searches----- */ ResultSet searchl = search.getGenericSearchLimited(); int showcount = 1; // - for numbering the matches thru increments while (searchl.next()) { String url=searchl.getString(1).trim(); String title=searchl.getString(2).trim(); String itsgroup=searchl.getString(3).trim(); String thedate=searchl.getString(4).trim(); /* -------- creating special URL for sites on the local server or whatever IP address happen to have at the time ------ */ out.print(""+(showcount)+" "+(title)+"
"); out.print("   Date indexed: "+(thedate)+"    Show More Like This

"); showcount++; // incrementing count with each loop } } // ending showsite vs. normal search else-statement %>
Search Again: " size=5>
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